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E-commerce is the sale of products and services over the Internet. It is the fastest growing segment of our economy. It allows even the smallest business to reach a global audience with its product or message with minimal cost. The sale of products or services on your Web site can generate sales that will make the difference between success and failure. Even Walmart, the largest retailer in the world with one billion dollars sales per day, could not anticipate the increasing wave of Internet business. On the morning of November 24, 2006, their Web site broke down because it could not handle the volume of Internet orders
180 million people in the US use the internet at least once per month
In 2005 there were approximately 1.08 billion people worldwide who used the internet at least once a month. This is projected to grow to 1.8 billion in 2010
The online population has hit 73% of all U.S. adults
The average income of Internet households is over $66,790, making the Internet user a very attractive customer for you to target.



What kinds of e-commerce jobs from home jobs can anyone make ?

If you need to make an e-commerce job at home there are variety of jobs anyone can make All that you need to know some kinds of e- commerce jobs which are available nowdays . This will give you the oppourtunity to begin to find the right job for you at home What follows are some popular e-commerce jobs from home which aids you to make money from e-commerce jobs.
1. Sales jobs
2. Telemarketing
3. Writing
4. Proofreading
5. Start your own business -
If you want begin any type of e-commerce jobs you need to. There are different ways to started for free or for cheap. Various ideas that can be found on the internet to start your own e-commerce jobs
( Affiliate programs , Business opportunities ,Niche marketing, MLM or network marketing ,Ebay )
These are just a few ideas that can be used. When you want to start a business online you will find that your options definitely are not limited.
All what you need to be e sure it will benefit you before you even begin .


Commerce and the internet

There are a number of ways in which companies can make money from the internet. Probably the best known way of making money is by selling some commodity; this could be a non-IT commodity such as a CD or item of clothing or it could be some piece of application software, a font, a browser plug-in or an operating system. Other forms of revenue raising are:
Auction sites which auction items on the internet and make profits by taking some commission from the sales.
Affiliate sites which contain a link to a normal retailing site and are paid when a visitor from the affiliate site makes a visit to the retail site to make a purchase. The affiliate site will usually attract visitors by offering some information such as providing links to resources and tutorials on some specific topic or technology such as Java.
Banner adverts. These adverts will contain links to the company doing the advertising; they will be displayed on a site and will result in some revenue being earned by the site owner when the banner advert is clicked.
Bulk-buying sites where a site collects a number of users together all of whom want to buy some item; the site negotiates a discount with the supplier and takes a commission.
Shopping malls where a number of e-commerce sellers congregate together on the same website; often these sellers will be related to each other, for example they may all sell luxury goods. The mall owner takes a percentage of their profit.
Portals which contain massive amounts of material on a particular topic, for example a portal devoted to fishing. Such sites will contain thousands of resource links, tutorials and indexes. They will also contain links to merchants who sell goods associated with the portal topic. There may be a number of ways that the portal owner would make money, for example they could be paid by a merchant for each visit from the portal or the merchant may pay a flat fee for being included in the portal.
Digital publishing sites which are effectively magazines on the web. They make profits in a number of ways including advertising and charging vendors for references to their website.
Licensing sites which make some software available to other sites, for example search engines which allow a visitor to the site to search for material more easily.
Community sites. These are like portals but involve the visitors more, for example a community site devoted to nurses might include a number of chat rooms which allow nurses to talk together in real time and swap advice. Money is made from such sites in the same way as with portals.
Name-your-price sites are websites where the buyer haggles with the retailer and names what price they will pay for a particular product. Such sites make profits in the same way as normal retail sites.
Such applications have changed the face of retailing, for example the fast communication of the internet has made bulk buying sites feasible and popular and has given rise to a number of novel commercial models. The most popular model is one which involves a pyramid of services, ranging from those that are free, to those which are charged at a premium rate. For example, a site which sells a piece of software might give the basic software away for free and then offer increasingly more sophisticated versions of the software to buyers. This form of partially free charging has percolated down from the internet to conventional software sales; for example, the company Qualcomm that markets the Eudora email reader makes a version of the program available for no cost, but will charge for fully featured versions.


My Ecommerce Success Story.....

I used SBI! to create my website, because I wanted to see if this tool really worked. After only 30 days, my website was averaging over 200 unique visitors per day thanks to the free search engines! I've never gotten traffic that fast with any site I've created.
Here`s a screen shot of my traffic statistics for March 2006 - only 9 months after I started my site. It took me over 2 years to get those kind of traffic numbers with this website.
Why did traffic come so fast? Because the research tool that is provided helps you choose the right topic/niche and domain name to maximize the free search engine traffic - a feature no other web host provides.
In the 3rd month, I started adding Google`s adsense ads to my site and started earning an income right away. That's the nice thing about the Internet is that you can earn revenue from your site no matter the topic, thanks to affiliate programs (most are free to join).

Creating an Ecommerce Website

The goal of this article is to change the way you may think about making money on the Internet with a website.

You do not need a degree in web programming or any formal training in web design. All I've done over the past several years is create information websites on topics that interest me, then I earn commissions by displaying ads and recommending related products.

In fact, look at the earnings one of my sites earned in March 2007 just from displaying ads on my pages.

Your site can do something like I just described or you can sell your own product or service. It's up to you.

And here's the best way to build an ecommerce website without getting bogged down in the technical aspect of web design and maintenance.

Finally A Web Host For You, The BEGINNER!
Ken Evoy has created software by the name of "Site Build It!" and it has literally changed the way everyday people are profiting on the Internet. It's certainly changed my life and I now work from home full time.

How to make an E-Commerce Website using WordPress & Thesis - Part 5

E-commerce and e-network jobs

e-mail marketing

Exploring E-Commerce

As with any business move or expansion, considering an online presence can raise a sometimes dizzying list of questions for an entrepreneur. Exactly what must be put in place to make it happen? How does an online presence change the market for the business? What are competitors doing? How will people shop? What kind of security is required? How will customers pay online? We put together this guide, a primer of sorts, to help answer those questions.

Small businesses that have little or no e-commerce capabilities on their websites will learn about taking the next step in converting their marketing sites into selling locations that extend their customer bases, images and sales in entirely new ways. Those entrepreneurs not yet online will discover how the Internet is likely to transform their businesses and introduce them to markets far beyond those which are currently in reach.

Why Go Online?
The most amazing aspect of e-commerce is its ability to impact sales and marketing efforts immediately. By going online, suddenly a neighborhood bakery or a homebased consulting service expands its reach to a national, or even international base of potential customers. Web-based sales know no international boundaries.

What are the components of a typical successful e-commerce transaction

E-commerce does not refer merely to a firm putting up a Web site for the purpose of
selling goods to buyers over the Internet. For e-commerce to be a competitive alternative
to traditional commercial transactions and for a firm to maximize the benefits
of e-commerce, a number of technical as well as enabling issues have to be considered.
A typical e-commerce transaction loop involves the following major players and
corresponding requisites:
The Seller should have the following components:
● A corporate Web site with e-commerce capabilities (e.g., a secure transaction
● A corporate intranet so that orders are processed in an efficient manner; and
● IT-literate employees to manage the information flows and maintain the e-commerce

What is B2B e-commerce?

What is B2B e-commerce?B2B e-commerce is simply defined as e-commerce between companies. This is the
type of e-commerce that deals with relationships between and among businesses.
About 80% of e-commerce is of this type, and most experts predict that B2B ecommerce
will continue to grow faster than the B2C segment.
The B2B market has two primary components: e-frastructure and e-markets. Efrastructure
is the architecture of B2B, primarily consisting of the following:9
● logistics - transportation, warehousing and distribution (e.g., Procter and Gamble);
● application service providers - deployment, hosting and management of packaged
software from a central facility (e.g., Oracle and Linkshare);
● outsourcing of functions in the process of e-commerce, such as Web-hosting,
security and customer care solutions (e.g., outsourcing providers such as
eShare, NetSales, iXL Enterprises and Universal Access);
● auction solutions software for the operation and maintenance of real-time auctions
in the Internet (e.g., Moai Technologies and OpenSite Technologies);
● content management software for the facilitation of Web site content management
and delivery (e.g., Interwoven and ProcureNet); and
● Web-based commerce enablers (e.g., Commerce One, a browser-based, XMLenabled
purchasing automation software).

types of e-commerce

What are the different types of e-commerce?
The major different types of e-commerce are: business-to-business (B2B); businessto-
consumer (B2C); business-to-government (B2G); consumer-to-consumer (C2C);
and mobile commerce (m-commerce).

Is the Internet economy synonymous with e-commerce and e-business?

The Internet economy is a broader concept than e-commerce and e-business. It
includes e-commerce and e-business.
The Internet economy pertains to all economic activities using electronic networks
as a medium for commerce or those activities involved in both building the networks
linked to the Internet and the purchase of application services7 such as the
provision of enabling hardware and software and network equipment for Web-based/
online retail and shopping malls (or “e-malls”). It is made up of three major segments:
physical (ICT) infrastructure, business infrastructure, and commerce.

Is e-commerce the same as e-business?

While some use e-commerce and e-business interchangeably, they are distinct concepts.
In e-commerce, information and communications technology (ICT) is used in
inter-business or inter-organizational transactions (transactions between and among
firms/organizations) and in business-to-consumer transactions (transactions between
firms/organizations and individuals).
In e-business, on the other hand, ICT is used to enhance one’s business. It includes
any process that a business organization (either a for-profit, governmental
or non-profit entity) conducts over a computer-mediated network. A more comprehensive
definition of e-business is: “The transformation of an organization’s processes to
deliver additional customer value through the application of technologies, philosophies
and computing paradigm of the new economy.”
Three primary processes are enhanced in e-business:5
1. Production processes, which include procurement, ordering and replenishment
of stocks; processing of payments; electronic links with suppliers; and
production control processes, among others;
2. Customer-focused processes, which include promotional and marketing efforts,
selling over the Internet, processing of customers’ purchase orders and
payments, and customer support, among others; and
3. Internal management processes, which include employee services, training,
internal information-sharing, video-conferencing, and recruiting. Electronic
applications enhance information flow between production and sales forces
to improve sales force productivity. Workgroup communications and electronic
publishing of internal business information are likewise made more


What to consider in E- commerce ?

**Per Cyber Source Corporation, online fraudsters took $3 billion out of e-commerce in 2006. Most companies provide at least basic forms of fraud protection.
**Be sure to take into account all your costs such as monthly e-commerce fees, packaging costs, shipping costs, time, etc.
**For internet based orders and shipping you should check with your state's board of equalization office to determine the appropriate sales tax. Our Small Business Tax Center provides valuable links to tax information from the IRS.

Is an E-commerce Web site right for your business?

Probably. Much depends on the nature of your business.If you own a local bookstore, there are several ways to reach new customers, get them to know you better and have them keep coming back for more. You might want to offer notices of special promotions or readings by authors. Trust will become the cornerstone of building your e-business. As Warren Buffett has said, "If you don't know jewelry, know your jeweler."

A Web site doesn't need to exist solely to sell your product online. It could supplement the sales of your already established retail store. If you sell a unique product, such as wheat grass or gourmet chocolates, you might find success reaching others around the country (or the world, for that matter) who do not have access to these products in their own towns.

Using the Internet for conducting e-commerce will not assure you of being able to compete favorably with large established competitors. They already have the inventory, delivery and marketing systems in place, and they can deliver the groceries as cheap (or more cheaply) than you can. Yet, the beauty of the Internet is that it provides a global audience of potential customers and it never closes.

Your customers will have access to information about your business 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You can add pictures, audio, video, news, and so much more. Your customer will even be able to buy from you 24 hours a day. So, your Web site address should be promoted everywhere including your stationery, sales forms and advertisements.

What is E-commerce?

E-commerce is the sale of products and services over the Internet. It is the fastest growing segment of our economy. It allows even the smallest business to reach a global audience with its product or message with minimal cost. The sale of products or services on your Web site can generate sales that will make the difference between success and failure. Even Walmart, the largest retailer in the world with one billion dollars sales per day, could not anticipate the increasing wave of Internet business. On the morning of November 24, 2006, their Web site broke down because it could not handle the volume of Internet orders.

180 million people in the US use the internet at least once per month.
In 2005 there were approximately 1.08 billion people worldwide who used the internet at least once a month. This is projected to grow to 1.8 billion in 2010.
The online population has hit 73% of all U.S. adults.
The average income of Internet households is over $66,790, making the Internet user a very attractive customer for you to target.

some useful books

The following books are recommended because of their highly practical nature and often because they include a wide range of information about this Library topic. To get more information about each book, just hover your cursor over the image of the book. A "bubble" of information will be displayed. You can click on the title of the book in that bubble to get more information, too.

You Need a Website

You need to design and promote a Website to begin your on line job . You'll need access to expertise that can regularly design and maintain this Website for you -- and it will require ongoing attention. Fortunately, there is a great deal of free information available to help you with this design and this momment you`ll have your own e-commerce business.

You Need an Online "Store"

Basically, you need an "online shop" to be an "e-tailer". (Don't fret. You may be able to outsource, or hire, a current store to work with you.) Your store will need a "merchant" account, or the ability to process your customers' credit card transactions over the Internet. This includes needing a "secure server", or that your online store be on a computer system that ensures that customers' credit card numbers cannot readily be read by people who are not supposed to read these numbers. You'll probably need some kind of online order form that customers can complete, in order to purchase your products. You may even want your the processing of customers' order to include processing the customers' credit card numbers right away while they're still online and connected to your Website.

Not All things Are Very Compatible to Sales Over the Internet

But there are some features unique to e-commerce. Not all products are real compatible to be sold over the Internet. For example, they may require a lot of face-to-face selling. They may cost a lot to ship (a primary practice in e-commerce is that customers buy products, and you ship the products to them). You need to make sure that, because your product may be advertised to the world, that you remain in control of your ideas, or "intellectual property".

E-Commerce is Like Any Other Business, Except ...

Developing a business over the Internet requires many of the same major activities as starting any other business. You should do some basic business planning. After all, you need a product. You may need funding to get your business going. You need customers. You need to market products to your customers. You need strong customer service. You need to manage purchases by customers, finances, staff and other resources.

Starting Careers From Home - What You Need to Consider

Many people are taking advantage of starting jobs from home for multiple reasons. Some people make this choice for financial stability and independence whereas others make the change for lifestyle. Yet others have had enough with the 50/50/50 plan. They realize working 50 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 50 years is not what they had envisioned for themselves and their family.

Each day an abundance of jobs from home are started. People are unleashing their entrepreneurial spirit and taking advantage of passive income since their active income is no longer reliable. If someone can fully commit to this enterprise, even on a part-time basis, and maintain their high levels of belief, it is a lucrative enterprise.

The start up costs are minimal when you consider the investment in building a business from scratch, corporate America careers, and franchises. Further more, the equipment that is needed are all common items as well. Those include a cell phone to take with you when you are outside of the home and a computer.

There are a few things that people also consider prior to making their final job from home decision. First of all, people look for a reputable company with a positive history and heritage. What credentials do they have? Do they belong to any organizations? While new start up companies present a great opportunity, generally they may have a little higher risk factor. This company should be unique in some what whether it is the product or service, system, and/or training.

Secondly, people look for those that they can trust in leading them the right way. This may be in the form of team trainings, leadership, and/or personal development. This does not mean a team member is responsible for another person's success. A person's success is a reflection of their belief and the ability to take action consistently.

If people continue to rely on an economic recovery without making a change, the current economic status will become the norm. Those people that are starting jobs from home will greatly benefit. It is up to each individual person to decide whether or not it is a good fit. Just get the necessary information to make a decision about your present situation.

If you are in the process of starting job from Home, knock 6-12 months off your learning curve by learning simple, effective Online Marketing Strategies to explode your results today.

How to Make Money with Bum Marketing

Affiliate marketers that make money using article marketing are called bum marketers, while the method itself called Bum Marketing. With Bum Marketing, someone can make money even without using his or her own website as the affiliate links are located in other’s people websites. This is why you should not believe when an expert tell you that you need to spend a lot of money on a website, especially if it is an expensive turnkey one. With this method, the most fundamental thing is your writing skill.

You might want to publish your articles out to hundreds of article directories or blog network with 2-3 hyperlinks point to your ‘money site’. This ‘money site’ is a simple web page created at free web 2.0 properties like Squidoo, which has your actual affiliate links. This money site page is required because you are not allowed to put direct affiliate links within your articles (that published in article directories). If you use your own blog to publish your article, you can have all of the direct affiliate links where ever you want.

Blogs are made on a specific free platform i.e. Wordpress, Blogger, etc, which are designed for quick and easy article publications. There is no need to understand complicated coding nor sophisticated graphic design skills as you can download many readily available blogging templates. You can focus on updating your blog content (articles, videos, etc) material and do it as often as you like. Unlike static web pages, the spiders of search engine are attracted more to the blogs because new content are usually added to it every day. The great thing about a blog is that actually it is much easier to create compare with another type of web page.

With Bum Marketing, the only cost to you ultimately is your time spent writing good content and adding your affiliate links into it. Good content is a great way to attract potential customers to your blogs and increase the possibilities of getting your affiliate links being clicked and make you a lot of money.

I created an income for myself that continued growing each month

Leo Rodgers earns extra money from GDI in Nassau, Bahamas
GDI Affiliate since 06/14/2006

I have been an affiliate with GDI for a few years now. I was first introduced to GDI by my wife and I was skeptical at first. But, after just a few days as an affiliate, I started referring others and created an income for myself that continued growing each month. I have made weekly bonus money many times and encourage anyone who want to make extra money from home to sign up for the free trial.


In less than four months I have built a powerful organization that is growing strong worldwide, even while I sleep! This incredible product is provided by GDI, a solid, Inc. 500 listed company and has an innovative 7-minute selling system that creates success. It is not unusual for me to refer 30 new customers in one day. That's how easy this system is to use. Just let the system go to work for you. That's how I have built a global organization in the thousands that earns me a fantastic, growing, full time monthly income. In addition, I have won thousands of dollars in bonus money. Three thousand dollars in bonus money in just the last three days!

Scott Reese, Goshen, VA


I've been Internet marketing for 5 years now, and nothing had ever caught my attention like GDI. Just 5 months ago, I dropped everything else I was doing to concentrate on this business because I saw the immense power in your product and your marketing system. I can't tell you how glad I am that I did. My earnings for the last 30 days are approaching $8,000, and it's all from a simple, proven job that didn't cost me a dime to start. This unlimited global potential of this job is staggering, and anyone can do it. I'm having a blast working from home and I owe it all to this life-changing opportunity. Thank you!

Bram Smith, College Station, TX

Ways To Make Money Online

There are many ways to make money online, including options that require little or no start-up cost. Before picking a new online venture, asses your own interests, skills and experience. Do you have a master's degree and the ability to teach others? Are you a stay-at-home-mom who enjoys writing and connecting with others online? Analyze your talents and explore several options as you look for ways to make money online

Home Business Ideas

At one time all of us were beginners and had to go through the exact same steps you are. However I can save you a little bit of time by giving you the best ideas so you can get started faster and get your own job easily . In this article we will go over 2 home business ideas for people who are just getting started.

1. Choose a business opportunity that offers a business in a box approach. This means that you get a complete money making website already set up for you.

You get your own website set up with your own domain name As opposed to using a replicated site like some network marketing or affiliate marketing programs offer. This way you will control your success in the future and can make changes to it if you need to.

The business in a box will also include an autoresponder with prewritten email messages. This is important because you will want to build a mailing list for following up with subscribers in the future.

The opportunity that you choose to join should offer your own website and autoresponder which makes it easier for you. These are two less things you have to worry about.

2. Start an Internet blog in a niche that you have an interest in or passion for. If you are willing to invest some time at blogging in a niche you are passionate about you can make a lot of money in the future.

For example there are niche blogs that now have several hundred or even thousands of pages on them. The blog owners only write blog content and maintain their blog. All of their income comes from selling advertising to businesses who are looking for high traffic blogs.

The nice thing about this is it never gets boring because you can blog about something that interests you. You do not have to do any selling of actual products because your only goal is to build a large content blog and then sell advertising.

Additionally you can put some Google ads on your blog and make money by the click. Google takes care of selling the ads for you so you do not have to do that. You can reap a big payback in the future if you are willing to invest some time right now.

You can find yourself spending a lot of time looking for home business ideas. If one of these two ideas appeals to you it is a great way for a beginner to get started online. As you learn more about Internet marketing you can incorporate more into your business to make even more money

What Is The Easiest Way To Make Money From Home

Is making money online from the comforts of your home really possible? Is it really that easy or just merely a big hype? can I make money from on line jobs ?

The internet provides a massive base of potential customers. People look to buy things all the time. Imagine the hordes of people searching - they could be your potential customers. Millions of potential customers from around the world, all hungry for information and things to fulfil their needs so you can get ajob from this gap .

What if you could supply their needs, and get even just a tiny fraction of the millions to click and buy from you! That tiny little fraction could translate into really awesome profits every day, every month and every year! so this will be your work .

It is very possible if you can get your hands on the RIGHT online opportunity. What is the EASIEST way to make money from home then?

It is internet marketing! and e-commerce . It is a highly lucrative business from home- if done right - that everyone is raving about.

FEAR to take action will be your main enemy, so you need to take control of it and go right ahead. Do not worry because online job is comparatively easy to conventional business because:

1 You don't need to have any experience or skill.

2 You don't need to have any high education.

3 You don't need any products of your own and handle customers.

4 You may not even need a website.

5 You don't need to pay the rent of a physical office or store.

6 You don't need any staff.

7 You don't have to brave traffic jams and bullying bosses.

8 You save a lot of time by staying put at home and control your own hours.

9 You don't need a lot of investment and can start operation right away.

10 You have the best job of all- Being your own BOSS!

Network Marketing jobs

The Network Marketing Industry is a growing and exciting world of business that provides a way to sell products and/or services directly to customers, away from a traditional retail location. The e- commerce job allows businesses to connect with customers on a one-to-one basis – be it in groups, online, by phone or through catalogue sales.
The Opportunity Inherent in Network Marketing

A network marketing opportunity is a viable option for people of all ages and genders regardless of the income group or education levels to get a job . In emerging markets, network marketing companies benefit from both strong market growth and an attractive earning opportunity. In more mature markets, network marketing creates the togetherness that many are seeking and brings additional income, personal growth and peer recognition through having an e- commerce job .

In network marketing, a salesperson earns a commission by referring a company’s products to customers. They also earn commission when other salespeople in his or her network successfully refer products. What really sets network marketing companies apart from more traditional retail industries is the ability for a person to start their own business, without major investment in inventory, expensive office spaces or shop fronts, challenging start-up costs, or prior education in developing business plans. Additionally, the marketing, packaging and advertising of the products are already taken care of by the company which eases the burden on the salesperson and therefore enabling them to focus solely on promoting the company's products.

Your e- commerce job opportunity

The job opportunity is available to anyone willing and able to work hard in a dynamic and growing manner.

What You Need

Network marketing jobs allow people to choose when and where they work with a small financial investment. Further, there are no specific qualifications needed to become a salesperson for a network marketing business or ajob, since the company provides training to develop the necessary business skills, as well as marketing education. This training aspect is an integral part of the offered domain opportunity.

A Truly Unique job Opportunity

The QNet job opportunity is based on an e-commerce platform, and is mainly about promoting and referring our products to customers and other entrepreneurs like yourself. Particularly during tough economic times, network marketing is an extremely viable and successful avenue to provide a supplementary or complete stream of income. This is especially true in tough economic times, as the Network Marketing industry thrives during global recessions and undoubtedly presents an attractive career path during the more economically stable times and give more jobs opportunities

The Role You Play to get your job opportunity

As with any opportunity, success is gauged by what you do with the opportunity. The QNet business is not for those looking for an easy way out and it is not a ‘get-rich-quick scheme’. Like those who have already achieved success with QNet, you must work hard, think smart, stay committed, be prepared for initial failures, and be dedicated to closely following the established and proven business plan. QNet equips you with all the tools needed to succeed in the business.

Make ‘Work’ Work For You

A real benefit of this business opportunity is that you can truly mould the job to fit within your existing lifestyle and habits. Another exciting benefit is that you will have the potential of becoming your own boss and achieving financial freedom on your OWN terms.


eCommerce Evolution

Be Your Own Boss!

YOUR job and YOUR financial freedom is HERE.

This is THE opportunity for having a job you are looking for, with minimal start-up costs and maximum potential.

Make a difference in YOUR life and the life of others’, whilst reaping the benefits of your success.

Let me tell you how!